Our Products

Tibetan handicrafts & buddhist items

Prayer flags, praying wheels, Malas (rosaries), Thanka (paintings), dorge, bells, cymbals, brass and copper statues (deities, gods, buddhas, protectors…), rituals items: Shells, offering plates, masks, rugs, protectors, tibetan doors, auspicious symbols items..

nepali handicrafts

Nepali handicrafts

Singing bowls, brass and copper statues (with goldpainting face), woodcraft (statues, not of life…), incense holders, incense copper boxes, bones lockets, masks…


High quality Incenses

Tibetan, nepali, indian incenses.

Incenses holders.

Special packages for meditation and healing incenses.



Sliver jewelry, Copper bracelets, white metal pendents and rings, Silver and precious stones high quality jewelry.

Five and Seven metals bracelets.



All type of garments: yack wool, organic cotton, classic cotton, silk.

Cashmere pashminas – 100% pure, 70% pashminas and 30% silk, silk (different colors and design printed), water pashminas


Healthcare products

Oil massage, himalayan ayurvedic products, tiger balm…


Custom embroidery

We can provide bed covers, T-shirts, Handkerchiefs, table cloths, caps, bags, jackets…

With your colors and design. Please contact us for pricing.


Musical instruments

Sarangui, Drums (mandels, tablas, jumbé…), Sitars, Bamboo Flutes…

Music CD for meditation and healing.


Precious stones

Lapis azuli, Turquoises, quartz rose, cristal…

All kinds of shape: pyramid, raw, balls, sticks…

precious stones

Papier maché

Books, Photo albums, writing paper, envelops, handmade paper sheets, lamp shades…

paper mache

As we always strive to match our customers’ specifications and needs, please ask for our latest Catalog!